Animal Services

Animal Control Officer: Lorri Haskell
Telephone: (207) 723-9731


– New year stickers are receivedĀ on October 15th each year and licensing will begin at that time.

– $6.00 for dogs that are spayed-neutered and $11.00 for dogs that have not been spayed or neutered.

– You need to provide proof of rabies shots and a spay/neutering certificate.

– If you register your dog after January 31st, a $25.00 late fee will be charged in addition to the license fee.

Dog Registration Information

New Dangerous Dog and Nuisance Dog Laws 2018

New Dangerous Dog and Nuisance Dog Laws Maine Legislature 2018

Dangerous and Nuisance Dog Frequently Asked Questions



To report incidents involving animals (dog bites, bats, stray animals (dog & cats), call 911 for emergencies or 723-9731 for non-emergencies.

The department handles a variety of wild and domestic animal complaints. The town contracts with Penobscot Valley Humane Society in Lincoln Maine to hold stray animals. All dogs must be licensed annually in January. Dog Licenses are available at the Millinocket Town Clerks Office. Arrangements are made with appropriate outside agencies to handle various wild animal complaints.

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