Airport Manager: Jeff Campbell
Telephone: (207) 731-9906
airport@millinocket.orgPublic Works Director: Bryan Duprey
Telephone: Office.(207) 723-7030 Cell.(207) 731-9905
publicworks@millinocket.orgRunway 11/29
Millinocket Municipal Airport is operated by the Town of Millinocket. Located on 16 Medway Road, the airport has been in existence since the 1930s when it was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps. The airport has two runways, a main terminal, 3 municipally owned hangers, 3 privately owned hangers, and 13 tie-downs.
Millinocket Municipal Airport is located in the heart of the Katahdin Region. This region of the state is known for mile high Mt. Katahdin, Baxter State Park, the Penobscot River, all of which can be enjoyed by pilots and passengers year-round. Activities at the airport include scenic flights, flight training, survey/wildlife flights, skydiving and a model airplane club.
The airport operates from 8 am to 5 pm or later, 7 days a week during the summer. Winter hours are from 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. Millinocket Municipal Airport will have 1 or 2 attendants on duty to serve your needs. Currently, we offer 100LL Avgas, Jet A, aviation oils, filters, pilot supplies and also maps and charts, and Rental Cars.
Millinocket Municipal Airport has two runways, Runway 11-29 is 4713 feet in length and has pilot controlled lighting. Runway 16-34 is 4007 feet in length and is not plowed in the winter but is accessed by ski aircraft. CTAF/Unicom frequency is 1228, Bangor radio is 123.6 and Boston Center is 120.25.
- Tie Downs
- Aviation 100LL Fuel with credit card service
- Jet A Fuel
- Car Rentals
- West Branch Aviation Scenic Flights and Flight Instructions
- Noyes Enterprise aircraft refurbish and mechanic services
- Aircraft engine oil, maps, and vending machines
- Jump & Raft Skydiving and Rafting trips
- Fly Ins
- Truck Pulls
The new Snow blower arrived November 16th, 2020 which replaces a 1994 snow blower. The funding came from a Federal Aviation Administration Grant.
Lincoln News Articles (7/1/2021):
New Airport Improvements
New Terminal Building
2013 MLT Westside Development Plan & ALP
2004 MLT Master Plan
2004 Master Plan Drawings
The Town of Millinocket is continuously working to improve the airport for its tenants, community, and users. An imperative part of this effort is the development of a 20-year Airport Master Plan that provides the Airport with direction over the next 2 decades. We encourage you to participate in the Master Plan process to learn about your experiences, facility development ideas, suggested improvements and services, and long-term visioning for the airport. Please take a few minutes to provide your invaluable feedback on this process.