Code Enforcement
Code Enforcement Office
Tom Malcolm – Code Enforcement, LPI, Public Health, & Life Safety
Telephone: (207) 723-7005 x2
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 7:30a to 3:30p
Code Book
Personnel Policy 2023 Amended Chpt A128 Code
Permit Fees as amended 02-13-2025 by ordiance 1-2025
All permits and applications necessary are available below or in the Code Enforcement Office at the Town Municipal Building.
Principle Structure Application– This application is used for a new primary structure regardless of use. It could be a new home or a new commercial garage. If you are moving into a new mobile or modular home this is the permit application you need.
Accessory Structure Application– “Accessory structure” means a subordinate structure located on the lot, the use of which is clearly incidental to and associated with the principal structure common examples are decks, sheds and garages.
Alteration Permit Application– Alteration permits are required for interior or exterior renovations involving modifications or removal of load-bearing walls and/or reconfiguration of existing space.
Application for Electrical Permit – All electrical work, with the exception of low voltage or telecommunications, requires a permit whether it is premises wiring, service upgrades or full panel swaps.
Application for Plumbing Permit– All plumbing requires a permit, this application should be filled out prior to commencing work. Single-family owner-occupied residential property work can be done by the homeowner. All other work requires a master plumber.
Demo Application – Demolition permits are required when removing old, worn-out, or undesirable structures. Additionally, they are required for some interior renovations. As part of this demo permit process, proper disposal guidelines will be addressed.
Livestock Application – The Town of Millinocket currently allows for a limited number of chickens and or fowl/livestock to be kept on eligible properties. If you are interested in keeping chickens and other farm type animals this application needs to be submitted and a permit obtained.
Millinocket Fence Permit Application– Permits are required to be obtained before erecting a fence on property. There is a small non-refundable fee. Fence must reflect your permit application.
All permits and applications needed are available below or in the Code Enforcer’s Office at the Town Municipal Building.
Application for Site Plan Review– This application is used for large scale projects that require Planning Board approval. Examples would be large retail facilities or a campground.
Change of Use Permit Application– Change of Use permits are for re-occupying an existing space with a use that is not the same as the prior one. If your use is similar to the prior use and it has been less than a year since the building was vacated only a compliance inspection will be necessary.
Sign Permit Application – If your business needs a sign then this application needs to be completed.
Alteration Permit Application – Alteration permits are required for interior or exterior renovations involving modifications or removal of load-bearing walls and/or reconfiguration of existing space.
Application for Electrical Permit– All electrical work, with the exception of low voltage or telecommunications, requires a permit whether it is premises wiring, service upgrades or full panel swaps.
Demo Application– Demolition permits are required when removing old, worn-out, or undesirable structures. Additionally, they are required for some interior renovations. As part of this demo permit process, proper disposal guidelines will be addressed.
Permit Fees – Be sure to acquire the necessary permits before you start your residential or commercial project. Fees are doubled if the necessary permits are obtained after construction, renovation, etc.
STR Application- A short term rental (STR) is a property that is rented for vacation, leisure, or recreational purposes for a week or up to 30 days to a person who has a place of permanent residency to which the person intends to return.